samedi 26 juillet 2008


“There is only one difference between a madman and me. The madman thinks he is sane. I know I am mad.
”I am not strange, I am just not normal.”
You were right Mr Dali, it would be boring if we were all just normal.
“It is not necessary for the public to know whether I am joking or whether I am serious, just as it is not necessary for me to know it myself”

9 commentaires:

  1. Catherine, I would hate to be normal! What is "normal" anyway? Je suis "Special." Bon weekend. Debs x

  2. Nice quote AND photo! lol Love it.

  3. Too funny! Great quotes.

  4. What would the world be without a Salvador Dali; great paintings in a mad world. I come to your blog for a dose of french air and culture!

  5. What about a sane person who thinks he is a madman?

  6. Chere Catherine,

    Dans l'antiquité l'Armenie ancienne s'appelait l'Ourartou et ce fut le premier royaume chretien avant l'empire romain ....

    L'Anatolie orientales fut une terre Armenienne bien avant que les Turcs ne s'y installassassent !!!
    Il n'est donc pas étonnant que les Armeniens aient construit des eglises sur leur terre dans leur patrie...
    Cette merveilleuse eglise d'Aghdamar fut contruite a la fin du Xeme siecle bien avant l'invasion seldjoukide ( Mantzikert 1071)

    Chere Catherine avant d'habiter le quartier de saint Jerome à Marseille les Armeniens vecurent jusqu'en 1920 dans leur patrie


    Vaspurakan boy
    la memoire, nous avons perdu la memoire en Occident. Trop de consommation et d'emissions tele qui nous ont decervelés chere Catherine

    Vaspurakan boy

  7. So what made you decide to do this post? Have you been visiting some of the lovely galleries of museums that are in Paris? Of are you just educating us? Interesting quotes, by the way.

  8. My mothers favourite saying is

    "All folks odd but thee and me and thee can be a bit strange at times"
