mardi 10 février 2009


Le ramoneur des temps modernes.
Beaucoup de cheminées sur ce toit.
Elles sont utilisées, certains font des feux de cheminée dans les appartements.

The chimney sweep of the modern time.
As you can see houses still get many chimney pots.
Some of them are still used.
Some apartment's owners make an open fire in their fire place.
Métier à risque par temps humide !

6 étages sans filet !

L'après midi précédant la tempête de la nuit dernière.

Risky job.

6 floors high without the aid of a safety net with a rainy weather !!

16 commentaires:

  1. wow he's brave!
    beautiful building

  2. mais où se trouve la petite bergère ;o). En effet un métier qui doit être assez dangereux, par contre quelle vue

  3. You got good pics of the chimneysweep at work! I always watched them in Switzerland with much fascination but also trepidation. How can they not slip and fall??

  4. Ouais, sale temps pour les hérissons!

  5. D'star has quite a few pics of people on the chimneys - but nowhere near as high up.

    My problem was one of my weird migraines.

  6. Ici les ramoneurs portent souvent le costume noir redingote et le chapeau comme dans Mary Poppins!!
    La 1ere fois qu'ils avaient sonne a ma porte, j'avais eu peur de ces deguisés et je ne leur avais pas ouvert!!!

  7. I loved them when I was a child and they were dressed in black in a kind of uniform with a black hat.

  8. Yes, certainly a job involving some risks! I guess they cannot fly as Mary Poppins!

    Before I moved to a smaller flat I had 4 chimneys, used one a few times per year (Xmas etc.), but insurance forces you to have them all swept once per year - costing a fortune! Now I have just one! But some days it's really nice to have it!

    (I conclude from your pics that you don't live on the first floor.)

  9. Oh dear, Catherine, he's so very high up! And yes, I agree with Dianne, beautiful building! :)

  10. I didn't know this was still a profession :)
    Thanks for sharing!

  11. Well spotted, Catherine. I really enjoyed your title..Our chimney sweep doesn't go on the roof. He does it all with a vacuum cleaner!

  12. This isn't for me. I'm scared of heights.
    There are many hidden schools all over Greece. Monks and priests had to teach kids reading and writing during the Tourkish command (for 400 years, from 1400 until 1800 a.C.), because the Tourkish closed the schools and the churches trying to change the Greeks from Orthodox to Muslims. The punishment was death. That's why they had to hide.

  13. Makes me think of Mary Poppins. Maybe that is Bert!

  14. Très belles photos, Catherine.
    Je crois que chez nous les ramoneurs n'existent plus.

  15. Great post! I'm glad that's not my job! I hope he gets paid well!
